We would like to thank all who attended the poster presentations and voted for their favorite poster at the JALT2024 conference at the Granship in Shizuoka. All total, 124 conference attendees voted for the most interesting and informative poster during the 4 sessions during the weekend. Thank you to all who voted!
The final results of the winners of the best poster presentations for each session are as follows:
Session 1 (Saturday 11:50-13:20): Allan Avena, Larry Boy Sabangan & Khimwel Santos (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Title: eTULAY-FILIPINO Project: An Open Online Course in Filipino
Session 2: (Saturday 14:45-16:15): We have a tie! Shared prize
Chie Kawashima (Oyama Johnan High School)
Title: Pragmatic Knowledge in Japanese High School EFL Textbooks -
Shusaku Nakayama (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
Title: From Words to Phrases: High Frequency Spoken Collocations
Session 3: (Sunday 12:00-13:30): Larry Kimber (Fukuoka University) & Derrick Apple (Ritsumeikan APU)
Title: Introducing and Assessing 'The Sachi Chronicles'
Session 4: (Sunday 13:45-15:15): Hyunkyu Shim, Seong-bin Cho & Azar Tajabadi (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Title: Motivational Trajectories of Two Novice English Teachers
Congratulations to the winners! They will receive a 5,000 yen Amazon gift card for their effort and research.
We look forward to repeating these exciting and lively poster sessions again in Yoyogi (Tokyo) in 2025.
Susan Meiki
JALT2024 Poster Chair
JALT Business Manager