Job Information

While JALT cannot help you find a job directly, joining and attending chapter and national events is one step towards professional development.

For those searching for employment, we run a Job Information Center at our annual international conference. The JALT Job Information Center (JIC) is a service supporting both educators and employers who are looking to find each other with the intent of building professional relationships. This means all levels of public and private language instruction, including opportunities outside of Japan, and also language education related possibilities beyond the classroom. The JIC offers onsite job ads, selected mainly from numerous educator-listing sites within Japan but also from around the world, as well as onsite interviews. The JIC attracts employers from both within Japan and abroad. In the past, employers have sent representatives to the conference to meet and interview with candidates onsite throughout the conference weekend. The majority of schools interviewing at JALT hire teachers found through the JIC. There is also a great opportunity for informal one-on-one contact with those seeking to interview onsite as they will check in frequently at the JIC tables during the conference.

JALT Publications also maintains an online job listing with current openings at all levels from young learners through university teaching at JALT Job Info Center. Employers may post openings there for free. Please see the positions available Submission Guidelines.