JALT Social Media Policy

1. Social Media Definition

1.1. Social media in a broad sense comprises interactive computer-mediated technologies that enable and facilitate sharing and interaction.

1.2. We use social media to promote JALT and its services and to engage directly with our audiences.

1.3. JALT Social Media platforms are listed here:

1.3.1. JALT National Social Media https://jalt.org/main/jalt-social-media

1.3.2. JALT Chapter and SIG Social Media https://jalt.org/main/jalt-social-media

1.3.3. JALT also uses other interactive platforms for communication, such as email lists, Slack Workspaces, and Basecamp.

1.4. We recognize that appropriate use of social media can help build communities and networks. It creates opportunities beyond geographical boundaries and can provide support, information sharing, and forums for discussion.

2. Terms and Conditions

2.1. The JALT Social Media Policy aims to ensure that discussions held on or interactions through JALT social media platforms stay safe, respectful, legal, and relevant.

2.2. This policy applies to anyone using any of our social media platforms whether a member of JALT or not. By using the JALT social media platform, you are agreeing to follow this policy.

2.3. Most JALT social media platforms are public forums; therefore, please only post information that you are happy to have in the public domain.

2.4. These are the terms and conditions of using JALT social media platforms:

2.4.1. To ensure the benefits of social media are maximized, please read and follow JALT's Code of Conduct:

In English: https://jalt.org/main/jalt-code-conduct

In Japanese: https://jalt.org/main/code-of-conduct-japanese

2.4.2. JALT opposes discriminatory language, policies, and employment practices, in accordance with Japanese and international law. Exclusions or requirements concerning gender, age, race, religion (or lack thereof), appearance, nativeness, or country of origin should be avoided in all JALT announcements and interactions. Furthermore, JALT encourages inclusiveness in design as well: Where possible, use design protocols that allow users of screen readers to listen to content; within text images, use sufficient contrast between backgrounds and text, and alt and title tags; and construct your information primarily with text in such a way as to not preclude the ability to use automatic translation tools.

2.4.3. Treat others with respect and courtesy. Messages must not include personal attacks, content that is offensive, defamatory or libelous, vulgar, hateful, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, invasive, or in violation of any laws or good morals and practice.

2.4.4. We encourage critical dialogue but do not use social media to defame others, publicly condemn the work of a fellow professional, or to spread rumors or misinformation. Please focus on issues rather than personalities. When discussing experiences, protect the privacy and anonymity of others.

2.4.5. Try to add value -- use JALT social media platforms to generate relevant questions and conversation and to provide insight and expertise.

2.4.6. If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to admit it and be the first to correct it. If you choose to modify content that was previously posted, make it clear you have done so. You may decide to delete your post, but if deleting your own post also deletes everyone else's subsequent comments, please be aware that many people feel this is unfair; an alternative action is to replace your original text with "(Deleted)" while not actually deleting the thread. If someone else makes you aware of your mistake, be open to receiving and implementing corrections.

2.4.7. Link and connect with others in our industry but do not harass other users by making repeated and unwanted attempts to contact them in a manner that could cause distress.

2.4.8. Use your best judgment -- bear in mind that what you might consider offensive or non-offensive or even humorous might be considered differently by others. Before posting, consider your comments from the perspective of others. If you would not make a comment in a face-to-face context, do not make it online.

2.4.9. Be you -- do not impersonate any person or organization, or falsely claim any affiliation with a person or organization.

2.4.10. If quoting someone else, please ensure you give them the credit and quote a source citation. Never use copyright material and always consider the use of brands, trademarks, and fair use. JALT is not responsible for any information posted by members that may infringe copyright law, but such posts will be removed from JALT platforms if identified.

2.4.11. Share relevant content only if you think it would be useful or of interest to other members. Any reference to third party organizations, products, or services does not imply an endorsement by JALT.

2.4.12. If something the moderators consider to be spam is put on JALT social media platforms, it will be removed.

2.4.13. Unauthorized advertising of products or services by commercial companies or those affiliated with them is not permitted, and any unauthorized promotion that JALT considers to be commercial in nature will be removed.

2.4.14. Job listings must be relevant to language teachers. They should include complete information about the position or a direct link to an informative listing elsewhere. JALT is not responsible for the accuracy of any job advertisement. Job listings must not include discriminatory language based on age, race, place of birth, nationality, or native language.

3. Inappropriate posts

3.1. Reporting

3.1.1. If you find a post on a JALT social media platform inappropriate, please report it to the moderators of the group. If the issue cannot be resolved internally, then consider making a formal complaint to the JALT Code of Conduct Committee by email at conduct@jalt.org

3.1.2. Issues will be dealt with as quickly as possible. If you wish to report an egregious post that violates JALT's Code of Conduct, please see the Code of Conduct for the process to file an official complaint.

3.2. Where JALT considers that a breach of policy has occurred, whether a report has been made or not, we reserve the right to take such action as we see fit.

3.3. JALT has the right, but not the obligation, to remove, edit, move or close any message or group of messages on a JALT platform for any reason. A user may also be removed from a JALT social media platform without prior notice. Whilst JALT may contact you to notify you of these changes, we are under no obligation to explain or enter into correspondence regarding this moderation. This decision rests with the Association or volunteers appointed by JALT and acting on the Association's behalf.

3.4 If you feel that your message has been erroneously removed, or that you have been erroneously blocked or banned, you have the right to report this to JALT using the above reporting procedures.

4. Advice to groups

Make it clear who moderators are, and how people can contact them.

Keep records of complaints and disciplinary measures.

5. JALT reserves the right to amend and update this policy.

November 17, 2021. Adopted at the JALT2021 EBM on November 14, 2021. Motion 2021-3-03: Motion to have JALT accept a standard Social Media Policy for all JALT-run social media platforms. (Proposed by Bill Pellowe, Director of Public Relations).

* The JALT Social Media Policy was originally based on IATEFL's Social Media Policy, and is attributed with permission, https://www.iatefl.org/about/key-documents