JALT Publications

The Language Teacher

The Language Teacher, the bimonthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching, publishes articles and other material related to language teaching, particularly in an Asian context. TLT also serves the important role of publicizing information about the organization and its many events.

Latest Issue (JALT members only)

The Language Teacher archives

JALT Journal

JALT Journal is the research journal of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. It is published semiannually, in May and November, and contains articles, perspectives and reviews.

Latest issue (JALT members only)

JALT Journal archives

JALT Postconference Publication

The JALT Postconference Publication - Created after JALT's international conference each year, these volumes stand as a record of our conferences--what was presented, and what was subsequently achieved.

SIGs Publications

Accessibility in Language Learning ALL Review Newsletter
Art, Research, and Teaching ART Newsletter (July 2023)
Art, Research, and Teaching ART Gallery (January 2024)
Bilingualism The Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism/ 多言語・多文化研究
Bilingualism Newsletter
Bilingualism Monograph
Business Communication JALT Business Communication Publications
CEFR and Language Portfolio CEFR Journal - Research and Practice
CEFR and Language Portfolio Critical Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching
CEFR and Language Portfolio CEFR-informed Learning, Teaching and Assessment: A Practical Guide
CEFR and Language Portfolio Connections to Thinking in English EAP CLIL B1(A2+) to B1+ Textbook
CEFR and Language Portfolio Can do statements in language education ...
CEFR and Language Portfolio recent CEFR LP SIG NL36 (October 2022)
College and University Educators OnCUE Journal
College and University Educators OnCUE Journal Special Issue
College and University Educators CUE Circular
College and University Educators CUE monthly newsletter archives
Computer Assisted Language Learning JALT CALL Journal
Critical Thinking Critical Thinking and Language Learning
Extensive Reading Extensive Reading in Japan (ERJ)
Extensive Reading Journal of Extensive Reading (JER)
Gender Awareness in Language Education GALE Journal
Global Issues in Language Education GILE Newsletter (quarterly)
Intercultural Communication in Language Education ICLE SIG 2021 Conference Proceedings
Intercultural Communication in Language Education ICLE SIG 2022 Conference Proceedings
JALT Central The Language Teacher
JALT Central JALT Journal
JALT Central Postconference Publication
JALT Central JALT Talk newsletter
Learner Development Learning Learning
Learner Development Learner Development Journal
Lifelong Language Learning LLL SIG Bi-Annual Journal
Listening The Listening Post
Literature in Language Teaching The Journal of Literature in Language Teaching
Materials Writers Between the Keys
Mind, Brain, and Education Mind Brain Ed Think Tank Editors: Curtis Kelly, Heather Kretschmer, Stephen M. Ryan, Julia Daley, Afon Khari, Nicky De Proost
Mind, Brain, and Education Mind Brain Ed Journal (Editor: Stephen M. Ryan)
Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities MAVR Newsletter
Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Realities MAVR Podcast
Officer Support Committee (OSC) JALT Basics: An introduction to JALT for new officers
Officer Support Committee (OSC) Officer Liaisons: Basic Definitions and Duties
PanSIG Executive Committee The PanSIG Journal
Performance in Education Mask & Gavel
Student Peer Interaction Network Committee (SPIN) JALT SPIN Student Research Symposium 2024 Proceedings
Study Abroad The Journal of Worldwide Education
Task-Based Learning Taking it to Task
Teacher Development Explorations in Teacher Development
Teachers Helping Teachers Teachers Helping Teachers Journal
Teaching Younger Learners The School House
Testing and Evaluation SHIKEN
Testing and Evaluation Statistics Corner: Questions and Answers about Language Testing Statistics (James Dean Brown, ISBN 978-1537312866)
Vocabulary Vocabulary SIG Publications
Vocabulary VLI (Vocabulary Learning and Instruction)
ZPD - Zoom for Professional Development Event Committee We publicize ZPD as events on the JALT Facebook page

Shop Publications

A number of publications can be purchased from JALT (purchase using the order form [PDF]). The following are now available:

The Language Teacher

  • The Language Teacher: Current issues…¥1,900 per copy (if available)
  • The Language Teacher: Back issues…¥950 per copy (if available)
  • The Language Teacher: Author's price…¥950 per copy (if available)

JALT Journal

  • JALT Journal: Current issues…¥1,900 per copy (if available)
  • JALT Journal: Back issues…¥950 per copy (if available)
  • JALT Journal: Author's price…¥950 per copy (if available)


JALT can only accept orders either by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, JCB, or AmEx), or bank transfer. To order, download the Publication Services order form (link below), fill it out and post it to JALT Central Office. Note that prices above are for JALT members; non–member prices are listed on the order form.