JALT’s Directors and Auditor are all unpaid positions. In addition to the specific responsibilities related to each position, all Directors and the Auditor prepare reports for and attend two weekend Executive Board Meetings (EBMs), three weekend Board of Director (BoD) Meetings, and the annual JALT International Conference. Each individual receives a complimentary JALT membership and admission to the International Conference as well as transportation to and lodging at all meetings that must be attended.
- All Directors and Auditor must be JALT members in good standing, be able to devote sufficient volunteer time to the duties of their position, and be elected by the association’s membership.
- There are no geographical, education, or personal requirements stipulated for any position.
I. The JALT President
A. Responsibilities of the JALT President as outlined in the JALT Constitution and Bylaws include the following (additional information included and indicated by Note:):
- Represent JALT and preside over all activities of JALT;
- Convene the General Meeting (The General Meeting consists of JALT members and is held once a year);
- Convene and chair the Executive Board Meeting (The Executive Board is the chief policy-making body of JALT. The Executive Board Meetings are held at least three times a year) (Note: The President attends and chairs the Executive Board Meeting, including associated meetings from Friday evening through Sunday, twice a year, typically in February and June, and also at the International Conference);
- For every business year, draft a business plan and a budget for revenue and expenditures and get approval of the Executive Board (Note: The President works with relevant national officers [Business Manager, Director of Treasury, Director of Program, etc.] in the drafting of these documents);
- Promptly after the closing of every business year, prepare the activity report, inventory of assets, balance sheet, and statement of the revenues and expenditures (Note The President works with relevant national and JALT Central Office staff in the drafting of these documents);
- Establish the necessary matters for the organization and administration of the JALT Central Office in accordance with the consent of the General Meeting;
- Have general responsibility for coordinating the activities of the Executive Board and for directing and publicizing the affairs of the organization;
- Convene and preside at Board of Director meetings (including associated meetings from Friday evening through Sunday, three times a year, typically in December or January, May, and September);
- With the approval of the Executive Board, appoint the heads of committees, subcommittees, and boards not otherwise specified in the Constitution and Bylaws; and
- Be a member of all committees.
B. Additional responsibilities:
- Serve as the official representative/spokesperson for JALT;
- Serve as the legal representative for JALT, signing all national contractual agreements and partnerships (excluding conference related vendors);
- Represent JALT at 4 or 5 international partner conferences each year; at each of which give a presentation, attend business and planning meetings, attend official social events that are scheduled, and publicize JALT at a booth provided in the EME;
- Periodically communicate and liaise with the Boards of Directors of other partner teaching associations throughout the year;
- Communicate via email or other electronic communication systems with members of the BoD and JCO on a daily basis; and
- Periodically convene and chair a Strategic Planning Meeting with the BoD and other national officers to determine the course and activities of the association for each 3- to 5-year period. These meetings often coincide with the BoD Meetings.
C. The time commitment of the President consists regularly of 2 hours per day on average, excluding EBM, BoD, and partner association representation. Additional time is required when any issue of importance arises that must be addressed by the association.
II. The JALT Vice President
The position of Vice President includes the following duties:
- Preside at meetings in the absence of the President;
- Share the duties and the responsibilities of the presidency;
- Oversee the JALT Central Office (JCO) staff;
- Consult with JCO office manager to choose EBM and BoD meeting venues;
- Liaise with the Technical Advisory Committee;
- Be a member of the Business Committee;
- Be a member of the Financial Steering Committee;
- Chair the Competitive Bidding Committee;
- Chair the Competitive Bidding for Publication Services Special Committee; and
- Chair the Administrative Committee.
III. The JALT Director of Conference
The position of Director of Conference includes the following duties:
- Leads and supervises planning of JALT's annual Fall International Conference and Educational Materials Exhibition (EME)
- Coordinates the recruitment and staffing of the conference team
- Chairs Conference Planning Committee meetings
- Voting member of the Financial Steering Committee
- Assist in coordinating Associate/Commercial Member relations with the Business Manager and the Director of Public Relations
- Leads the strategic planning for future international conferences - venues, budgets, programming, team building, etc.
- Work with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to ensure the Fall international conference is a diverse, equitable, and inclusive event
- Serve in an advisory and support capacity to other JALT conferences
IV. The JALT Director of Membership
The position of Director of Membership includes the following duties:
- Be responsible for overseeing JALT Membership records;
- Coordinate the formation of new affiliates, chapters, and SIGs;
- Oversee annual assessments of Chapters and SIGs;
- Work with the Chapter Representative Liaison and SIG Representative Liaison to assist Chapters and SIGs;
- Formulate and implement policies governing the relationship of chapters and SIGs to JALT national;
- Assist in membership drives;
- Be a member of the Financial Steering Committee; and
- Chair the Membership Committee.
V. The JALT Director of Program
The position of Director of Program includes the following duties:
- Supervise planning of programs as planned and executed by Chapters and SIGs
- Chair the Program Committee
- Oversee monthly Zoom for Professional Development programming
- Coordinate The Four Corners Tour
- Be a voting member of the Financial Steering Committee
- Be a member of the Development Fund Sub-Committee
- Coordinate Associate/Commercial Member relations with the Business Manager and the Director of Public Relations
- Work with the Program Liaison to support JALT Program Chairs
- Work with the Program Liaison to support PanSIG
- Work with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to promote diverse, equitable, and inclusive programs
VI. The JALT Director of Public Relations
The position of Director of Public Relations includes the following duties (and possibly others):
- Coordinate JALT publicity nationally and internationally, including social media;
- Produce the monthly JALT newsletter;
- Promote relations with educational organizations, media, and industry;
- Find and develop new Associate Members, Commercial Members, and institutional subscribers;
- Coordinate Associate/Commercial Member relations with the Business Manager and the Director of Programs;
- Be a voting member of the Publications Board;
- Be a member of the Officer Support Committee;
- Be a nonvoting member of the Financial Steering Committee; and
- Chair the Publicity Committee (formerly known as the External Relations Committee).
VII. The JALT Director of Records
The position of Director of Records includes the following duties:
- Be responsible for recording and keeping the minutes of Board of Director Meetings, Executive Board Meetings, and General Meetings;
- Prepare the JALT Executive Newsletter (approximately 100 pages) before each Executive Board Meeting;
- Keep chapters and SIGs informed of the activities of the national organization;
- Serve as Administrator of EBM-NET;
- Be a nonvoting member of the Financial Steering Committee; and
- Chair the Records and Procedures Committee.
VIII. The JALT Director of Treasury
The position of Director of Treasury includes the following duties:
- Maintain all financial records;
- Be responsible for collecting and disbursing all funds of the organization;
- Communicate with the accounting staff and treasurers to answer questions about treasury issues;
- Meet with the Financial Steering Committee and help to balance the budget for the year;
- Present an account of the financial status of the organization at the General Meeting;
- Be a member of the Competitive Bidding Committee;
- Be a member of the Competitive Bidding for Publication Services Special Committee;
- Be a nonvoting member of the Financial Steering Committee
- Chair the Finance Committee; and
- Chair of the Development Fund Sub-Committee
- Research Grant Committee Board of Director Liaison
IX. The JALT Auditor
The position of Auditor includes the following duties:
- Inspect the status of business conducted by the directors;
- Inspect the status of assets of JALT;
- Report to the General Meeting or the concerned governmental authority if, as a result of the inspection specified in the preceding items, improper conduct or important facts indicating violation of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Incorporation with regard to the business or assets of JALT is discovered;
- Convene the General Meeting, if necessary, to submit a report as specified in the preceding item;
- Present opinions to the Directors on the status of business conducted by the Directors or the status of assets of this Incorporation; and
- Chair the Audit Committee.