JALT has Chapters throughout Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Chapters hold meetings, seminars, lectures, workshops, book fairs, and training sessions, to name a few of their activities. Check the Events Calendar for an idea of Chapter activity.
The links below provide information on our Chapters, including an officer list, upcoming events, and a link to the Chapter website if it has one. If you wish to contact a chapter please use the individual contact form found on the linked Chapter page. If you are interested in forming a chapter, check the process for forming a new chapter.
JALT has numerous Special Interest Groups (SIGs). These groups are made of JALT members who share a professional interest. Our SIGs publish books, journals, newsletters and maintain informative mailing lists. SIGs also hold conferences and seminars, and work with JALT Chapters and other groups to put on events throughout Japan.
To learn more about JALT's SIGs, click the links below or visit the information column of The Language Teacher. If you wish to contact SIGs use the individual contact forms on each SIG page. If you are interested in forming a SIG, check the process for forming a new SIG.
JALT membership includes the option to become a member of one SIG. Joining additional SIGs can be done online or via post office money transfer.