JALT International Partner Organizations
JALT is a founding member of the Pan-Asian Consortium (PAC):
For more information on PAC, please visit the PAC website: https://pac-teach.org. PAC members include JALT and the following:
- English Teachers' Association of the Republic of China (ETA-ROC)
- Far Eastern English Language Teachers Association (FEELTA)
- The Philippine Association for Language Teaching (PALT)
- Thailand TESOL (ThaiTESOL)
Other International Partners
- Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA)
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
- Linguapax Asia
- Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
- Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA)
- The Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN)
- TESOL-Spain
- TESOL International Association (TESOL)