Please note:
- We cannot answer questions about employment
- We cannot help you find a teacher to learn English, Japanese or another language. Try contacting a local JALT Chapter or a relevant SIG instead.
- JALT members: If you have a question for your chapter, or want to report an address change, please contact your chapter as detailed below.
- Restrict your questions/comments to those directly related to JALT matters
- To contact JALT Central Office: If you have any questions about membership or other general queries about JALT, use the form available here to contact the Central Office.
- To contact our Executive Board: Use the contact form if you have any questions for members of our executive board.
- To contact individual chapters or SIGs: For queries or matters relating chapter or SIGs, go to the Chapter and SIGs section, and use the contact forms available on each group information page to contact the Chapter or SIG directly.
- To contact the website manager: If you have any questions about the JALT website, contact the site manager via the contact form.
- To advertise in JALT's publications or on the website: See the advertising information on the JALT Publications site for more information.
- To contact JALT Publications staff: See the publications contact page.
JALT Central Office
Level 20 Marunouchi Trust Tower - Main, 1-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Japan
Tel: 03-5288-5443 Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Mon - Fri)
JALT 事務局
〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内1-8-3 丸の内トラストタワー本館20階
☎: 03-5288-5443 営業時間: 月曜日 ~ 金曜日、午前9時から午後5時まで